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Virtual Workspace with ACCESS-IT

Our Virtual Workspace the perfect workplace for remote work and collaboration from the home office.

For some years now, remote working and the possibility of a home office have become increasingly popular. This new-found flexibility is sought after by employees as well as encouraged by companies.

Location and device-independent collaboration is no longer the future. It is now and more in demand than ever. 

Employees Virtual Workspace ACCESS-IT
Collaboration - anytime from anywhere

Why outsource backup to SILEO?


We operate high-performance systems in our own Swiss data centers for professional backup and disaster recovery services.

Server infrastructure, Storage space, System monitoring, Data backup and the Location in Switzerland are the foundation of our products and services.
Door to the vault
Through flexible offers we provide you with optimal and Customised packages for your size and needs.

How we work

We control the smooth and successful daily IT routine of our customers Personal and with the latest technology.

We rely on professional service and are also available to advise you if you have any questions. 
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