

Find out here what's new with us, what we are currently working on and where you can meet us.

Sileo with IT-SPACE in the October issue of Swiss IT Magazine

You can read our specialist article on the Swiss data centre market in the October issue of Swiss IT Magazine! In it, we share valuable tips on how to find the right data centre for your requirements. 💡 Companies relocate their IT to external data centres because they often lack the space, cooling and emergency power infrastructure or the

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Welcome Dino Fehlmann

The Sileo team continues to grow in May. We are pleased to welcome Dino Fehlmann as Systems Engineer in Fahrwangen. Dino supports us in the operation of our DataCentre Services as well as in customer care, support and projects. We wish Dino a good start and lots of

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Welcome Timon and David!

Welcome Timon and David This year our team has already grown with two new employees! We are pleased to introduce our two new project managers Timon Steinmann and David Sägesser. They will support our team in projects and operations in the future. The whole Sileo team wishes

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